support to extract thumbnail image.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ import;
public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
protected static Map<String, Object> readImages(IFormatReader reader) throws FormatException, IOException {
Map<String, Object> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
protected static Map<String, Object> readImages(final IFormatReader reader) throws FormatException, IOException {
final Map<String, Object> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
// read basic metadata
int seriesCount = reader.getSeriesCount();
MetadataStore ms = reader.getMetadataStore();
MetadataRetrieve mr = ms instanceof MetadataRetrieve ? (MetadataRetrieve) ms : null;
final int seriesCount = reader.getSeriesCount();
final MetadataStore ms = reader.getMetadataStore();
final MetadataRetrieve mr = ms instanceof MetadataRetrieve ? (MetadataRetrieve) ms : null;
for (int j = 0; j < seriesCount; j++) {
// read basic metadata for series #j
Map<String, Object> seriesMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final Map<String, Object> seriesMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
int imageCount = reader.getImageCount();
int resolutionCount = reader.getResolutionCount();
String seriesName = mr == null ? null : mr.getImageName(j);
final int imageCount = reader.getImageCount();
final int resolutionCount = reader.getResolutionCount();
final String seriesName = mr == null ? null : mr.getImageName(j);
if (seriesName != null) {
seriesMetadata.put("name", seriesName);
// resolutions
if (resolutionCount > 1) {
Map<String, Object> resolutionsMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final Map<String, Object> resolutionsMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < resolutionCount; i++) {
resolutionsMetadata.put(String.format("resolution[%d]", i),
@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
// indexed
List<Object> indexed = new ArrayList<Object>();
final List<Object> indexed = new ArrayList<Object>();
indexed.add(String.format("%b color", !reader.isFalseColor()));
byte[][] table8 = reader.get8BitLookupTable();
final byte[][] table8 = reader.get8BitLookupTable();
if (table8 != null) {
String.format("8-bit LUT: %d x %s", table8.length, table8[0] == null ? "null" : "" + table8[0].length));
short[][] table16 = reader.get16BitLookupTable();
final short[][] table16 = reader.get16BitLookupTable();
if (table16 != null) {
indexed.add(String.format("16-bit LUT: %d x %s", table16.length,
table16[0] == null ? "null" : "" + table16[0].length));
@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
seriesMetadata.put("sizeX", reader.getSizeX());
seriesMetadata.put("sizeY", reader.getSizeY());
int sizeZ = reader.getSizeZ();
final int sizeZ = reader.getSizeZ();
seriesMetadata.put("sizeZ", makeDimension(sizeZ, sizeZ, reader.getModuloZ()));
seriesMetadata.put("sizeC", makeDimension(reader.getSizeC(), reader.getEffectiveSizeC(), reader.getModuloC()));
int sizeT = reader.getSizeT();
final int sizeT = reader.getSizeT();
seriesMetadata.put("sizeT", makeDimension(sizeT, sizeT, reader.getModuloT()));
seriesMetadata.put("tileSize", makeRectangle(reader.getOptimalTileWidth(), reader.getOptimalTileHeight()));
seriesMetadata.put("thumbnailSize", makeRectangle(reader.getThumbSizeX(), reader.getThumbSizeY()));
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
// plane
int[] indices;
final int[] indices;
if (imageCount > 6) {
int q = imageCount / 2;
indices = new int[] { 0, q - 2, q - 1, q, q + 1, q + 2, imageCount - 1 };
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
} else {
indices = new int[] { 0 };
int[][] zct = new int[indices.length][];
int[] indices2 = new int[indices.length];
final int[][] zct = new int[indices.length][];
final int[] indices2 = new int[indices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
zct[i] = reader.getZCTCoords(indices[i]);
indices2[i] = reader.getIndex(zct[i][0], zct[i][1], zct[i][2]);
Map<String, Object> planeMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final Map<String, Object> planeMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
planeMetadata.put("Z", zct[i][0]);
planeMetadata.put("C", zct[i][1]);
planeMetadata.put("T", zct[i][2]);
@ -129,21 +129,21 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
return metadata;
protected static Map<String, Object> readAnnotations(IFormatReader reader) {
Map<String, Object> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
protected static Map<String, Object> readAnnotations(final IFormatReader reader) {
final Map<String, Object> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
// global metadata
Hashtable<String, Object> globalMetadata = reader.getGlobalMetadata();
final Hashtable<String, Object> globalMetadata = reader.getGlobalMetadata();
for (String key : MetadataTools.keys(globalMetadata)) {
metadata.put(key, globalMetadata.get(key));
// original metadata
int seriesCount = reader.getSeriesCount();
final int seriesCount = reader.getSeriesCount();
for (int j = 0; j < seriesCount; j++) {
Hashtable<String, Object> seriesMagedata = reader.getSeriesMetadata();
final Hashtable<String, Object> seriesMagedata = reader.getSeriesMetadata();
if (!seriesMagedata.isEmpty()) {
Map<String, Object> seriesMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
String[] keys = MetadataTools.keys(seriesMagedata);
final Map<String, Object> seriesMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final String[] keys = MetadataTools.keys(seriesMagedata);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
seriesMetadata.put(keys[i], seriesMagedata.get(keys[i]));
@ -154,12 +154,12 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
return metadata;
protected static Object makeDimension(int size, int effSize, Modulo modulo) {
int mLength = modulo.length();
protected static Object makeDimension(final int size, final int effSize, final Modulo modulo) {
final int mLength = modulo.length();
if (size == effSize && mLength == 1) {
return size;
List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>();
final List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (size != effSize) {
ret.add(String.format("(effectively %d)", effSize));
@ -171,20 +171,21 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
return ret;
protected static Map<String, Object> makeRectangle(int width, int height) {
Map<String, Object> ret = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
protected static Map<String, Object> makeRectangle(final int width, final int height) {
final Map<String, Object> ret = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
ret.put("width", width);
ret.put("height", height);
return ret;
protected static String getJsonString(Map<String, Object> map) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
protected static String getJsonString(final Map<String, Object> map) {
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = null;
try {
// json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(map);
json = mapper.writeValueAsString(map);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
// return "null" if conversion error occured
json = "null";
@ -192,14 +193,15 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
return json;
public static String readMetadata(String path, Map<String, Object> metadata) throws BioFormatsImageException {
public static String readMetadata(final String path, final Map<String, Object> metadata)
throws BioFormatsImageException {
if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(path).toLowerCase().equals("zip")) {
// ignore if file is zip archive
throw new BioFormatsImageException("Zip is not supported");
String format = "";
ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo();
IFormatReader reader = new ImageReader();
final ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo();
final IFormatReader reader = new ImageReader();
try {
// info.parseArgs(new String[] { path, "-nopix", "-noflat", "-omexml" });
info.parseArgs(new String[] { path, "-nopix", "-noflat" });
@ -220,17 +222,17 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
// info.printGlobalMetadata();
// info.printOriginalMetadata();
Map<String, Object> annotations = readAnnotations(reader);
final Map<String, Object> annotations = readAnnotations(reader);
if (!annotations.isEmpty()) {
metadata.put("annotations", annotations);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
@ -240,29 +242,34 @@ public class BioFormatsImageInfo {
// -- Main method --
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
boolean status = true;
String message = "";
String format = "";
Map<String, Object> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final Map<String, Object> metadata = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final Map<String, Object> thumbnail = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
if (args.length != 1) {
status = false;
message = "filename argument required";
} else {
final String path = args[0];
try {
format = readMetadata(args[0], metadata);
format = readMetadata(path, metadata);
BioFormatsImageThumbnail.readThumbnail(path, thumbnail);
} catch (BioFormatsImageException e) {
status = false;
message = e.getMessage();
Map<String, Object> results = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
final Map<String, Object> results = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
results.put("status", status);
results.put("message", message);
results.put("format", format);
results.put("thumbnail", thumbnail.isEmpty() ? null : thumbnail);
results.put("metadata", metadata.isEmpty() ? null : metadata);
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageWriter;
import loci.common.DebugTools;
import loci.formats.FormatException;
import loci.formats.ImageReader;
import loci.formats.gui.BufferedImageReader;
public class BioFormatsImageThumbnail {
protected static final float JPEG_QUORITY = 0.85f;
protected static final int BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0x000000;
protected static final double MAXIMUM_SCALE = 2.0;
protected static BufferedImage resize(final BufferedImage image, final int width, final int height) {
final boolean hasAlpha = image.getColorModel().hasAlpha();
final int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
final int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
final double scaleWidth = (double) width / (double) imageWidth;
final double scaleHeight = (double) height / (double) imageHeight;
double scale = Math.min(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
if (scale > MAXIMUM_SCALE) {
// limit scalling size to maximum scale
int resizeWidth = imageWidth;
int resizeHeight = imageHeight;
Image resizeImage = image;
if (scale != 1.0) {
// resize image if dimension is larger than maximum dimention.
resizeWidth = (int) (scale * (double) imageWidth);
resizeHeight = (int) (scale * (double) imageHeight);
resizeImage = image.getScaledInstance(resizeWidth, resizeHeight, Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING);
final int type = hasAlpha ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;
final BufferedImage ret = new BufferedImage(width, height, type);
final Graphics2D g = ret.createGraphics();
final Color c = new Color(image.getRGB(0, 0), hasAlpha);
final int offsetX = (width - resizeWidth) / 2;
final int offsetY = (height - resizeHeight) / 2;
// System.out.println("original:" + imageWidth + "," + imageHeight);
// System.out.println("resize:" + resizeWidth + "," + resizeHeight);
// System.out.println("target:" + width + "," + height);
// System.out.println("offset:" + offsetX + "," + offsetY);
g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
g.drawImage(resizeImage, offsetX, offsetY, resizeWidth, resizeHeight, null);
return ret;
protected static BufferedImage removeAlphaChannel(final BufferedImage image, final int matColor) {
if (!image.getColorModel().hasAlpha()) {
return image;
final BufferedImage ret = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
final Graphics2D g = ret.createGraphics();
g.setColor(new Color(matColor, false));
g.fillRect(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
return ret;
protected static byte[] getJpegByteArray(final BufferedImage image, final float quality, final int matColor)
throws BioFormatsImageException {
byte[] ret = null;
try (final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baos);) {
final ImageWriter writer = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpeg").next();
final ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
writer.write(null, new IIOImage(removeAlphaChannel(image, matColor), null, null), param);
ret = baos.toByteArray();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
return ret;
protected static byte[] getPngByteArray(final BufferedImage image) throws BioFormatsImageException {
byte[] ret = null;
try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(baos);) {
ImageIO.write(image, "png", bos);
ret = baos.toByteArray();
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
return ret;
public static String getDataUri(final BufferedImage image, final String mimeType) throws BioFormatsImageException {
byte[] bytes = null;
switch (mimeType) {
case "image/png":
bytes = getPngByteArray(image);
case "image/jpeg":
bytes = getJpegByteArray(image, JPEG_QUORITY, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
throw new BioFormatsImageException("Unsupported image format: " + mimeType);
final String dataUri = "data:" + mimeType + ";base64," + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes);
return dataUri;
public static BufferedImage getImageFromBioFormatsFile(final String path) throws BioFormatsImageException {
BufferedImage ret = null;
final BufferedImageReader reader = new BufferedImageReader(new ImageReader());
try {
} catch (FormatException | IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException("unsupported file: " + path);
try {
final int series = 0;
final int no = 0;
// System.out.println("series count: " + reader.getSeriesCount());
// System.out.println("image count: " + reader.getImageCount());
// System.out.println("resolution: " + reader.getResolutionCount());
ret = reader.openThumbImage(no);
} catch (final Throwable e) {
for (Throwable t = e; t != null; t = t.getCause()) {
if (t instanceof OutOfMemoryError) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException("out of memory");
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
return ret;
public static BufferedImage getImageFromFile(final String path) throws BioFormatsImageException {
BufferedImage ret = null;
final File file = new File(path);
try {
ret =;
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
return ret;
public static void saveFile(final String dataUri, final String path) throws BioFormatsImageException {
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^data:(image/[^;]+);(base64|utf8),(.*)$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(dataUri);
if (!matcher.find()) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException("Unsupported data URI format");
final byte[] bytes = == "utf8" ?
: Base64.getDecoder().decode(;
try (final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path);) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new BioFormatsImageException(e);
public static boolean readThumbnail(final String path, final Map<String, Object> thumbnail) {
boolean ret = true;
try {
final BufferedImage image = getImageFromBioFormatsFile(path);
final int width = image.getWidth();
final int height = image.getHeight();
final String mimeType = image.getColorModel().hasAlpha() ? "image/png" : "image/jpeg";
final String dataUri = getDataUri(image, mimeType);
thumbnail.put("width", width);
thumbnail.put("height", height);
thumbnail.put("mimeType", mimeType);
thumbnail.put("url", dataUri);
} catch (final BioFormatsImageException e) {
// ignore
ret = false;
return ret;
public static void main(final String[] args) throws BioFormatsImageException {
if (args.length != 1) {
System.out.println("filename argument required");
final String path = args[0];
try {
BufferedImage image = getImageFromBioFormatsFile(path);
final String format = image.getColorModel().hasAlpha() ? "png" : "jpeg";
// image = resize(image, 160, 160);
final String dataUri = getDataUri(image, "image/" + format);
// System.out.println(dataUri);
saveFile(dataUri, "/var/tmp/thumbnail." + format);
} catch (final BioFormatsImageException e) {
Reference in New Issue
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