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<h1 class="w3-center">About CBS repository system (2022 Apr)</h1>
<p class="w3-large">The Center for Brain Science (CBS) of RIKEN, explores the mysteries of the brain—one of the ultimate frontiers in natural science—carrying out research at all levels, from cells to organisms and social systems, with the goal of returning those results to society. The CBS shall contribute to promoting the Institutes research activities through information technology and maximizing the results of such research, in compliance with the Basic Policy on Management, Disclosure, Sharing, and Use of Research Data (hereinafter “the Basic Policy”) set forth by the Institute. The purpose of the CBSs Research Data Guidelines (hereinafter “these Guidelines”) is to define matters necessary for handling research data in the CBS so that the researchers, etc. who belong to the CBS can manage research data in an appropriate and reliable manner.</p>
<h2>[Publication data]</h2>
<p class="w3-large">In the Basic Policy, “publication data” refers to any data acquired or generated in the course of research undertaken and published by researchers during their tenure at the Institute except for data that cannot be freely shared due to privacy concerns or legal requirement. All research data in the CBS shall be managed by electronic means. Print and other media that cannot be managed electronic format shall be converted appropriately so that they can be managed by electronic means. Publication data does not include research notes but can include any computer programs referred to but not completely described in published manuscripts. Research data shall be classified as below, depending on how it is used, how it is collected, or its source to make publication data as self-explanatory as possible by using meta-data and information. </p>
<p class="w3-large"><b>[Primary data]</b></p>
<p class="w3-large">Research data newly obtained in the course of research shall be called “primary data.” Primary data includes information generated and collected from observation instruments, measurement instruments, imaging devices or other research instruments used in experiments as well as research data measured and recorded by researchers. Primary data are not processed at all by researchers once obtained.</p>
<p class="w3-large"><b>[Secondary data]</b></p>
<p class="w3-large">“Secondary data” refers to data generated by analytic processing primary data, or derived data. Both primary data and secondary data can be stored in the repository system along with their identifying metadata (see below).</p>
<p class="w3-large">Metadata is organized information that describes, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve or understand information contained in primary or secondary data. Metadata would include information that is needed to understand and reproduce experiments, analysis and simulations associated with the published manuscript using the data in the corresponding directories contained in the repository. To facilitate communication with the authors involved in the study, metadata should include the ORCID Number or other contact information for all consenting contributing authors.</p>
<h2>[Quality control: CBS disclosure]</h2>
<p class="w3-large">Each PI is responsible of all data generated from their own lab. The PI should carefully consider the format and quality of data uploaded on to the CBS repository system and include sufficient metadata to identify and document the research data. Data can be uploaded to the system by any members of each team, but permission of PI is required to disclose the data to CBS and/or outside CBS. The repository committee may ask PIs to remove data from the system when datasets are inappropriate quality or lack of meta data.</p>
<p class="w3-large">For internally shared data within the system, initial posting would be at the discretion of the PI but can be investigated by the committee as needed.</p>
<h2>[Quality control: external disclosure]</h2>
<p class="w3-large">A DOI should be requested whenever data is made public at which point the data could be made available if the DOI was approved. Any data associated with a manuscript published in a scientific journal should meet the reporting standards required by the journal.</p>
<p class="w3-large">The repository data can be included in published paper as follows: Source data are available at link or DOI here, processed data are provided with this paper.</p>
<h2>[Useful data]</h2>
<p class="w3-large">According to the Basic Policy, “Useful data” means any research data which shall be disclosed along with publication of research papers and other academic documents as well as research data that the CBS repository committee has determined on behalf of the Institute will contribute to the development of science and technology.</p>
<p class="w3-large">In selecting useful data from research data, the data manager or data generator in accord with the data manager will comprehensively evaluate and determine the need for online storage or sharing of the data with others from various perspectives. Factors considered in evaluating the data include the status of research, the management of intellectual property in research, and a basis for the research paper to be written and a careful determination should be made by the disclosing individual(s) according to his/her(their) conscience as a researcher(s).</p>
<h2>[Storage Period]</h2>
<p class="w3-large">As set forth in the Basic Policy, the useful data to be registered in the repository shall be kept for 10 years or longer. Due to various circumstances, such as the advance of science and technology and changes in trends, the value of the useful data may change during the storage period of the useful data. The repository committee shall endeavor to check the useful data registered in the repository on a regular basis and set the disclosure/sharing flag status and license for use that is most suitable for the data.</p>
<p class="w3-large">The data provider or PI of the lab takes all responsibility for the data in the repository system and should respond to contact or requests made by the data user.</p>
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