CBS Data Sharing Platform

We aim to achieve an analysis platform for the open neuroscience data to expand the research field for each individual in CBS. CBS-DSP provides comprehensive data collection, which allows CBS scientists to generate and stimulate data-driven cross-modal neuroscience. We also plan to expand the platform for all RIKEN, which we expect for CBS researchers to broaden their research field beyond neuroscience.


CBS Data Shairng Working Group

  • Tomomi SHIMOGORI (Chair)
  • Shigeyoshi FUJISAWA (Deputy Chair)
  • Andrea BENUCCI
  • Kazuhisa SHIBATA
  • Atushi TAKATA
  • Alexander WOODWARD
  • Keiji TANAKA

Data repository observation

Data for papers

List of papers that used data within the repository

Types of data

List of data types (molecular, electrical physiology, structure, imaging)

List of laboratories

Data collections are listed by lab PI names

BSI database archive

Term of use

CBS-DSP Data Policies

Our goal is to generate a searchable data repository platform that will integrate molecular, anatomical, and functional, data which allow us to perform for comprehensive research on mouse, human, and non-human primate brains.

All data production, repository and meta data will be appended by each lab based on the lab heads responsibility. Currently, data access is limited to CBS members.


Some members of the CBS may claim patent, copyright, or other intellectual property rights in all or a portion of the data they have submitted. The CBS NIU is not in a position to assess the validity of such claims, and therefore cannot provide comment or unrestricted permission concerning the use, copying, or distribution of the information contained in the CBS-DSP.

Citation and Acknowledgement

We request that researchers who use CBS-DSP (published or unpublished) in presentations and publications cite and acknowledge the CBS-DSP and data production laboratory(s) for referenced dataset(s).