{ "title": "3D arrangements of PV neurons, SOM neurons, astrocytes and putative excitatory neurons in the layer 2\/3 of mouse visual cortex.", "author": "Ebina, T., Sohya, K., Imayoshi, I., Yin, S.T., Kimura, R., Yanagawa, Y., Kameda, H., Hioki, H., Kaneko, T., and Tsumoto, T.", "figure": { "file": "\/data\/TE0006.png", "caption": "3D Arrangemtns of cells in TE0006" }, "download": "\/data\/TE0006.dat", "view": "\/data\/TE0006\/viewer", "mouseLine": "PV\/myrGFP-LDLRct transgenic mouse", "imagingArea": "Layer 2\/3, Primary Visual Cortex", "cellType": [ "PV-positive neurons", "SOM-positive neurons", "Putative excitatory neurons", "Astrocytes" ], "postnatalDays": 77, "imagingVolumeSize": "317 x 317 x 105 um", "imagingDepth": "from 110 to 215 um", "journal": "submitted", "summary": "3D arrangements of four types of cells in the layer 2\/3 of mouse visual cortex were observed by in vivo<\/em> two-photon functional Ca2+<\/sup> imaging method. SOM-positive neurons were identified by immunohistochemistry. Only the location of visually responsive cells were provided in this dataset.", "releaseDate": "Nov. 1, 2014" }