2022-05-11 18:50:27 +09:00

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"title": "3D arrangements of GABAergic\/inhibitory neurons in the layer 2\/3 of mouse visual cortex.",
"author": "Ebina, T., Sohya, K., Imayoshi, I., Yin, S.T., Kimura, R., Yanagawa, Y., Kameda, H., Hioki, H., Kaneko, T., and Tsumoto, T.",
"figure": {
"file": "\/data\/TE0014.png",
"caption": "3D Arrangemtns of cells in TE0014"
"download": "\/data\/TE0014.dat",
"view": "\/data\/TE0014\/viewer",
"mouseLine": "Dlx5\/6-GCaMP3 mouse (Crossing Dlx5\/6-Flpe and R26-CAG-FRT-GCaMP3 transgenic mice)",
"imagingArea": "Layer 2\/3, Primary Visual Cortex",
"cellType": [
"GABAergic\/inhibitory neurons"
"postnatalDays": 44,
"imagingVolumeSize": "317 x 317 x 110 um",
"imagingDepth": "from 90 to 200 um",
"journal": "submitted",
"summary": "3D arrangements of GABAergic\/inhibitory neurons in the layer 2\/3 of mouse visual cortex were observed by <em>in vivo<\/em> two-photon functional Ca<sup>2+<\/sup> imaging method. Only the location of visually responsive cells were provided in this dataset.",
"releaseDate": "Nov. 1, 2014"