580 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
defined('ABSPATH') || exit();
// enable auto update
add_filter('allow_major_auto_core_updates', '__return_true');
add_filter('allow_minor_auto_core_updates', '__return_true');
add_filter('auto_update_theme', '__return_true');
2020-12-16 12:20:32 +09:00
add_filter('auto_update_plugin', 'cbsonline_exclude_plugins_from_auto_update', 10, 2);
function cbsonline_exclude_plugins_from_auto_update($update, $item)
return !in_array($item->slug, ['bogo']);
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// remove parent theme defined filters and actions
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'cbsonline_disable_parent_defines');
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_disable_parent_defines()
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// remove web fonts
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'biz_vektor_addWebFonts');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// remove buggy biz_vector script
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'biz_vektor_addJScripts');
2020-11-12 16:27:19 +09:00
// remove pingback css
remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'biz_vektor_addPingback');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// disable emoji
remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7);
remove_action('admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script');
remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');
remove_action('admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');
remove_filter('the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji');
remove_filter('comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji');
remove_filter('wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email');
// add_filter('tiny_mce_plugins', 'disable_emojis_tinymce');
// remove unnecessary head tags
// - rest
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'rest_output_link_wp_head');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - embed
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_discovery_links');
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_oembed_add_host_js');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - feed
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links', 2);
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - rsd
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - windows live writer
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - generator
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - shortlink
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_shortlink_wp_head');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// - rel link
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
remove_action('wp_head', 'index_rel_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'parent_post_rel_link', 10);
remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link', 10);
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head');
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// disable automatically appending srcset attribute in img tag
add_filter('wp_calculate_image_srcset_meta', '__return_null');
// disable DNS prefetch
add_filter('wp_resource_hints', 'cbsonline_remove_dns_prefetch', 10, 2);
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_remove_dns_prefetch($hints, $relation_type)
if ('dns-prefetch' === $relation_type) {
return array_diff(wp_dependencies_unique_hosts(), $hints);
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
return $hints;
// add styles
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'cbsonline_add_styles');
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_add_styles()
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
wp_enqueue_style('parent-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/style.css');
// add scripts
add_action('wp_head', 'cbsonline_add_scripts');
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_add_scripts()
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
wp_register_script('biz-vektor-fix-min-js', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/biz-vektor-fix-min.js', ['jquery'], '20201029');
// add widgets
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_widgets_init()
'name' => 'ヘッダー ウィジェット',
'id' => 'header-widget-area',
'before_widget' => '<div class="header-widget-area">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="rounded">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
'name' => 'トップバナー ウィジェット',
'id' => 'topbnr-widget-area',
'before_widget' => '<div class="topbnr-widget-area clearfix"><div class="topbnr-widget-area-inner clearfix">',
'after_widget' => '</div></div>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="rounded">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
'name' => 'トップイメージ ウィジェット',
'id' => 'topimg-widget-area',
'before_widget' => '<div class="topimg-widget-area clearfix">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<h2 class="rounded">',
'after_title' => '</h2>',
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
add_action('widgets_init', 'cbsonline_widgets_init');
// tweak bogo plugin
// - disable flags
add_filter('bogo_use_flags', 'cbsonline_bogo_use_flags_false');
function cbsonline_bogo_use_flags_false()
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
return false;
// - remove ' (United States)' strings from en_US language
add_filter('bogo_language_switcher', 'cbsonline_replace_bogo_text');
function cbsonline_replace_bogo_text($output)
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
return str_replace(' (United States)', '', $output);
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
// add short code
// - topbox : http://www.webopixel.net/wordpress/53.html
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_shortcode_TopBox($atts, $content = null)
$content = do_shortcode(shortcode_unautop($content));
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
extract(shortcode_atts(['class' => 'default'], $atts));
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
return '<div class="topbox">'.$content.'</div>';
add_shortcode('topbox', 'cbsonline_shortcode_TopBox');
2020-11-12 16:15:45 +09:00
// allow additional image file upload
add_filter('upload_mimes', 'cbsonline_allow_additional_image_upload');
function cbsonline_allow_additional_image_upload($mimes)
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
$mimes['ai'] = 'image/x-illustrator';
2020-11-12 16:15:45 +09:00
$mimes['ico'] = 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon';
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
return $mimes;
// force override Archive widget arguments
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
add_filter('widget_archives_args', 'cbsonline_widget_archives_args');
function cbsonline_widget_archives_args($args)
// yearly
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
$args['type'] = 'yearly';
// maximum number of items : 10 years
$args['limit'] = 10;
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
return $args;
// support category based archives
add_filter('getarchives_join', 'cbsonline_category_getarchives_join', 10, 2);
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_category_getarchives_join($join, $r)
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
global $wpdb;
if (is_category()) {
$cat = intval(get_query_var('cat'));
if ($cat > 0) {
" LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships as r ON $wpdb->posts.ID = r.object_ID
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as t ON r.term_taxonomy_id = t.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms as terms ON t.term_id = terms.term_id";
add_filter('getarchives_where', 'cbsonline_category_getarchives_where', 10, 2);
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_category_getarchives_where($where, $r)
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
if (is_category()) {
$cat = intval(get_query_var('cat'));
if ($cat > 0) {
return $where." AND t.taxonomy = 'category' AND terms.term_id = $cat";
add_filter('year_link', 'cbsonline_category_year_link', 10, 2);
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
function cbsonline_category_year_link($url, $year)
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
global $wp_rewrite;
if (is_category()) {
$cat = intval(get_query_var('cat'));
if ($cat > 0) {
$url .= '?cat='.get_query_var('cat');
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
return $url;
2021-01-15 18:40:21 +09:00
add_filter('request', 'cbsonline_fix_category_pagination');
function cbsonline_fix_category_pagination($query = [])
if (isset($query['category_name']) && isset($query['page'])) {
if (preg_match('/^(?:category\/)?(.+)\/page$/', $query['category_name'], $matches)) {
2021-01-15 18:46:16 +09:00
$query['category_name'] = $matches[1].$query['page'];
if (isset($query['p'])) {
$query['paged'] = $query['p'];
2021-01-15 18:40:21 +09:00
return $query;
2020-10-29 23:50:19 +09:00
2020-11-01 16:39:22 +09:00
// support tag cloud for static pages
add_action('init', 'cbsonline_add_tag_to_page');
function cbsonline_add_tag_to_page()
register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'page');
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'cbsonline_add_page_to_tag_archive');
function cbsonline_add_page_to_tag_archive($obj)
if (is_tag()) {
$obj->query_vars['post_type'] = ['post', 'page'];
2020-11-17 15:12:51 +09:00
// override date_format option
add_filter('option_date_format', 'cbsonline_date_format');
function cbsonline_date_format($format)
2020-11-17 15:12:51 +09:00
$lang = get_query_var('lang', '');
switch ($lang) {
2020-11-17 15:12:51 +09:00
case 'ja':
return 'Y年n月j日';
2020-11-17 15:12:51 +09:00
case 'en_US':
return 'D, d M Y';
2020-11-17 15:12:51 +09:00
2020-11-17 15:12:51 +09:00
return $format;
// for wpforo
// - helper funcitons for template customization - used by wpforo/layouts/2/*.php
function cbsonline_wpforo_get_topic_fields_list()
static $ret = [];
if (!empty($ret)) {
return $ret;
$fields = WPF()->post->get_topic_fields_list();
foreach ($fields as $name) {
$ret[$name] = WPF()->post->get_field($name);
return $ret;
function cbsonline_wpforo_get_topic_custom_fields($topic_id)
$fields = cbsonline_wpforo_get_topic_fields_list();
$postmetas = WPF()->postmeta->get_postmeta($topic_id, '', true);
$ret = [];
foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
if ($postmeta = wpfval($postmetas, $name)) {
if (!(int) wpfval($fields[$name], 'isDefault')) {
$field['value'] = $postmeta;
$field = WPF()->form->prepare_values(WPF()->form->esc_field($field));
$ret[$name] = wpfval($field, 'value');
return $ret;
// - sort topics by seminar date
add_filter('wpforo_after_init_current_object', 'cbsonline_wpforo_after_init_current_object', 10, 2);
function cbsonline_wpforo_after_init_current_object($current_object, $wpf_url_parse)
if (wpfval($current_object, 'forum_slug')) {
$topic = wpfval($current_object, 'topic_slug') ? WPF()->topic->get_topic(['slug' => $current_object['topic_slug']], false) : false;
$args = (empty($topic) ? ['slug' => $current_object['forum_slug']] : $topic['forumid']);
if ($forum = WPF()->forum->get_forum($args)) {
if ('topic' === $current_object['template']) {
$args = [
'offset' => ($current_object['paged'] - 1) * $current_object['items_per_page'],
'row_count' => $current_object['items_per_page'],
'forumid' => $current_object['forumid'],
'orderby' => 'type, metavalue, modified',
'order' => 'DESC',
'join' => ' INNER JOIN `'.WPF()->tables->postmeta.'` AS `m1` ON `m1`.`postid`=`'.WPF()->tables->topics.'`.`first_postid` AND `m1`.`metakey`=\'seminar_date\'',
$current_object['topics'] = cbsonline_wpforo_topic_get_topics($args, $current_object['items_count']);
2021-07-19 13:51:33 +09:00
$current_object['categories'] = [$forum];
} else {
$current_object['is_404'] = true;
return $current_object;
function cbsonline_wpforo_topic_get_topics($args = [], &$items_count = 0, $count = true)
$cache = WPF()->cache->on('object_cashe');
$default = [
'include' => [], // array( 2, 10, 25 )
'exclude' => [], // array( 2, 10, 25 )
'forumids' => [],
'forumid' => null,
'userid' => null, // user id in DB
'type' => null, // 0, 1, etc . . .
'solved' => null,
'closed' => null,
'status' => null, // 0, 1, etc . . .
'private' => null, // 0, 1, etc . . .''
'pollid' => null,
'orderby' => 'type, topicid', // type, topicid, modified, created
'order' => 'DESC', // ASC DESC
'offset' => null, // this use when you give row_count
'row_count' => null, // 4 or 1 ...
'permgroup' => null, // Checks permissions based on attribute value not on current user usergroup
'read' => null, // true / false
'where' => null,
'join' => null, // join clause
$args = wpforo_parse_args($args, $default);
if (is_array($args) && !empty($args)) {
extract($args, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
if (0 === $row_count) {
return [];
$include = wpforo_parse_args($include);
$exclude = wpforo_parse_args($exclude);
$forumids = wpforo_parse_args($forumids);
$guest = [];
$wheres = [];
if (!is_null($read)) {
$last_read_postid = WPF()->log->get_all_read('post');
if ($read) {
if ($last_read_postid) {
$wheres[] = '`last_post` <= '.intval($last_read_postid);
$include_read = WPF()->log->get_read();
$include = array_merge($include, $include_read);
} else {
if ($last_read_postid) {
$wheres[] = '`last_post` > '.intval($last_read_postid);
$exclude_read = WPF()->log->get_read();
$exclude = array_merge($exclude, $exclude_read);
if (!empty($include)) {
$wheres[] = '`topicid` IN('.implode(', ', array_map('intval', $include)).')';
if (!empty($exclude)) {
$wheres[] = '`topicid` NOT IN('.implode(', ', array_map('intval', $exclude)).')';
if (!empty($forumids)) {
$wheres[] = '`forumid` IN('.implode(', ', array_map('intval', $forumids)).')';
if (!is_null($forumid)) {
$wheres[] = '`forumid` = '.intval($forumid);
if (!is_null($userid)) {
$wheres[] = '`userid` = '.wpforo_bigintval($userid);
if (!is_null($solved)) {
$wheres[] = '`solved` = '.intval($solved);
if (!is_null($closed)) {
$wheres[] = '`closed` = '.intval($closed);
if (!is_null($type)) {
$wheres[] = '`type` = '.intval($type);
if (!is_null($where)) {
$wheres[] = $where;
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
$guest = WPF()->member->get_guest_cookies();
if (empty($forumids)) {
if (isset($forumid) && !WPF()->perm->forum_can('vf', $forumid, $permgroup)) {
return [];
if (isset($forumid) && $forumid) {
if (WPF()->perm->forum_can('vp', $forumid, $permgroup)) {
if (!is_null($private)) {
$wheres[] = ' `private` = '.intval($private);
} elseif (isset(WPF()->current_userid) && WPF()->current_userid) {
$wheres[] = ' ( `private` = 0 OR (`private` = 1 AND `userid` = '.intval(WPF()->current_userid).') )';
} elseif (wpfval($guest, 'email')) {
$wheres[] = " ( `private` = 0 OR (`private` = 1 AND `email` = '".sanitize_email($guest['email'])."') )";
} else {
$wheres[] = ' `private` = 0';
} else {
if (!is_null($private)) {
$wheres[] = ' `private` = '.intval($private);
if (isset($forumid) && $forumid) {
if (WPF()->perm->forum_can('au', $forumid, $permgroup)) {
if (!is_null($status)) {
$wheres[] = ' `status` = '.intval($status);
} elseif (isset(WPF()->current_userid) && WPF()->current_userid) {
$wheres[] = ' ( `status` = 0 OR (`status` = 1 AND `userid` = '.intval(WPF()->current_userid).') )';
} elseif (wpfval($guest, 'email')) {
$wheres[] = " ( `status` = 0 OR (`status` = 1 AND `email` = '".sanitize_email($guest['email'])."') )";
} else {
$wheres[] = ' `status` = 0';
} else {
if (!is_null($status)) {
$wheres[] = ' `status` = '.intval($status);
if (function_exists('WPF_POLL')) {
if (!is_null($pollid)) {
$wheres[] = ' `pollid` <> 0';
2020-12-17 17:31:06 +09:00
$columns = ['topics', 'forumid', 'first_postid', 'userid', 'title', 'slug', 'created', 'modified', 'last_post', 'posts', 'votes', 'answers', 'views', 'meta_key', 'meta_desc', 'type', 'solved', 'closed', 'has_attach', 'private', 'status', 'name', 'email', 'prefix', 'tags'];
$sql = 'SELECT `'.WPF()->tables->topics.'`.* FROM `'.WPF()->tables->topics.'`';
if (!is_null($join)) {
$sql .= $join;
if (!empty($wheres)) {
$sql .= ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $wheres);
if ($count) {
$item_count_sql = preg_replace('#SELECT.+?FROM#isu', 'SELECT count(*) FROM', $sql);
if ($item_count_sql) {
2020-12-16 13:17:15 +09:00
if (!is_null($join)) {
2020-12-17 17:31:06 +09:00
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$item_count_sql = preg_replace('/([( ])`'.$column.'`/', '\1`'.WPF()->tables->topics.'`.`'.$column.'`', $item_count_sql);
2020-12-16 13:17:15 +09:00
$items_count = WPF()->db->get_var($item_count_sql);
$sql .= ' ORDER BY '.str_replace(',', ' '.esc_sql($order).',', esc_sql($orderby)).' '.esc_sql($order);
if (!is_null($row_count)) {
if (!is_null($offset)) {
$sql .= esc_sql(" LIMIT $offset,$row_count");
} else {
$sql .= esc_sql(" LIMIT $row_count");
if (!is_null($join)) {
2020-12-17 17:31:06 +09:00
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$sql = preg_replace('/([( ])`'.$column.'`/', '\1`'.WPF()->tables->topics.'`.`'.$column.'`', $sql);
if ($cache) {
$object_key = md5($sql.WPF()->current_user_groupid);
$object_cache = WPF()->cache->get($object_key);
if (!empty($object_cache)) {
if (!empty($object_cache['items'])) {
$access_filter = apply_filters('wpforo_topic_access_filter_cache', true);
if ($access_filter) {
return WPF()->topic->access_filter($object_cache['items'], $permgroup);
} else {
return $object_cache['items'];
$topics = WPF()->db->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
$topics = apply_filters('wpforo_get_topics', $topics);
if ($cache && isset($object_key) && !empty($topics)) {
wpForoTopic::$cache['topics'][$object_key]['items'] = $topics;
wpForoTopic::$cache['topics'][$object_key]['items_count'] = $items_count;
if (!empty($forumids) || !$forumid) {
$topics = WPF()->topic->access_filter($topics, $permgroup);
return $topics;
// - force approve add/edit by anonymous user
add_filter('wpforo_add_topic_data_filter', 'cbsonline_wpforo_edit_topic_data_filter', 100);
add_filter('wpforo_edit_topic_data_filter', 'cbsonline_wpforo_edit_topic_data_filter', 100);
function cbsonline_wpforo_edit_topic_data_filter($args)
if (!is_user_logged_in() && isset($args['name']) && isset($args['email'])) {
$args['status'] = 0;
$cookie = [
'name' => $args['name'],
'email' => $args['email'],
return $args;
// - allow to edit topics by anonymous user
add_action('wpforo_start_edit_topic', 'cbsonline_wpforo_start_edit_topic');
function cbsonline_wpforo_start_edit_topic($args)
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
if ($topic = WPF()->topic->get_topic($args['topicid'])) {
WPF()->current_user_email = $topic['email'];
2020-12-17 19:52:35 +09:00
// - allow to delete topics by anonymous user
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_wpforo_delete_ajax', 'cbsonline_wpforo_nopriv_delete');
function cbsonline_wpforo_nopriv_delete()
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$resp = [];
$return = 0;
if ('topic' === $_POST['status']) {
if (WPF()->topic->delete(intval($_POST['postid']))) {
$forumid = (int) wpfval($_POST, 'forumid');
$resp = [
'postid' => intval($_POST['postid']),
'location' => $forumid ? WPF()->forum->get_forum_url($forumid) : wpforo_home_url(),
$return = 1;
} elseif ('reply' === $_POST['status']) {
$root = WPF()->post->get_root($_POST['postid']);
if (WPF()->post->delete(intval($_POST['postid']))) {
$root_replies_count = WPF()->post->get_root_replies_count($root);
$resp = [
'postid' => intval($_POST['postid']),
'root' => intval($root),
'root_count' => intval($root_replies_count),
$return = 1;
$resp['stat'] = $return;
$resp['notice'] = WPF()->notice->get_notices();
echo json_encode($resp);